HC Deb 22 March 1922 vol 152 c473
77. Mr. RAPER

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if he will waive the proposed examination in July next for the clerical class (male) and make appointments by a central board under the Order in Council of 10th January, 1910, in order to obtain the best class of temporary clerk for permanent appointments, the majority of temporary clerks (ex-service) having given efficient service as such for over two years?


The Lytton Committee in their third Interim Report recommended the holding of a further limited competition for the clerical class, open to ex-service men temporarily employed in Government Departments. I regret that I am unable to agree to the proposal in the latter part of the question.


Is it not a fact that within the last 12 months a number of appointments have been made under that old Order in Council?


For a certain period they were made, but the time has now come according to the recommendations, or it will have come at some future time, for a further examination limited as I have described.