HC Deb 22 March 1922 vol 152 cc431-2
2. Mr. L. MALONE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any representations to the effect that Greece is not carrying out the spirit of Article 48, Section 3, Part III, of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria, of 27th November, 1919, in which the Allied and Associated Powers undertook to ensure the economic outlets of Bulgaria to the Ægean Sea; whether difficulties have been put in the way of Bulgaria which restricts her trade through such ports as Dedeagatch; and what action His Majesty's Government intend to take in this matter in order to press Greece to carry out the provisions of the Treaty?


The Article quoted from the Treaty of Neuilly im- poses not on Greece, but on the principal Allied Powers to whom the Treaty transferred Western Thrace, the obligation to provide Bulgaria with access to the sea. The principal Allied Powers, to meet this obligation, inserted special clauses in the Treaty, signed with Greece on 10th August, 1920, by which Western Thrace was transferred to Greece, but this Treaty is not yet ratified. Until it is ratified, and Western Thrace ceded to Greece, she cannot be pressed, nor will she be in a position to give effect to its provisions.


Will the hon. Gentle man take steps to prevent the Greeks from molesting the Bulgarians?


I was not aware that they were molesting them.


Has this country any individual obligation to see that the Greeks carry out the Treaty?


No, Sir.

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