HC Deb 21 March 1922 vol 152 cc241-3

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether it is proposed or has been decided to alter the remuneration and other conditions of ser- vice of old age pension officers appointed or employed by the Treasury for duty in London and elsewhere; if so, will he furnish full particulars of that proposal or decision and of the previous arrangements as to remuneration and other conditions of service of pension officers; and will he state how the existing pension officers are affected as regards remuneration and other conditions of service?


I assume that the right hon. Member is referring to women pension officers employed in the Customs and Excise Department in London and certain provincial towns. At present these officers are employed in a temporary capacity, but it has been decided to form an established class of women pension officers, and consideration is being given to the claims of the temporary officers for appointment to the new class. I am sending to the right hon. Member a statement showing the pay and conditions of service in the new class and the pay of the existing temporary officers.

The following is a copy of the statement promised:

Statement showing (1) the rates of pay of temporary women pension officers employed in the Customs and Excise Department and (2) the rates of pay and conditions of service in the new permanent Departmental class of women pension officers.

(1) Rates of pay of temporary women pension officers:

(2) Rates of pay and conditions of service in the established Departmental class of women pension officers:

Normal age limits for recruits.—25–35.

Salary scale.—£100—£10—£160, thence by £15 to £250, plus cost of living bonus.

Annual leave.—30 days for the first five years, and 36days thereafter.

Hours.—Eight a day on the average based on a 44-hour week. Saturday is ordinarily a half day.

Recruitment.—The method of recruitment under normal conditions has been reserved for further consideration. For the present recruitment is by selection from the existing temporary women pension officers and other suitable women who have served in Government employment for a period of at least two years since August, 1914.