HC Deb 16 March 1922 vol 151 cc2348-9
30. Mr. MILLS

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that relief credits for Russia, and a trade credit scheme for Russia, were both urged in the memorandum submitted to the Government last December by the General Council of the Trades Union Congress and the Labour party, and that at the special conference convened by the same bodies on 24th November, on unemployment and foreign policy, immediate steps were urged to promote export to Russia as part of a policy to relieve our own unemployed and restart industries; that the chairman of the London Council of the Unemployed who headed a deputation, included trade with Russia as one of the principal demands of the unemployed; and whether the Government proposes to grant an immediate relief credit for the people in the Volga famine region with the two-fold purpose of relieving unemployment in Great Britain and investigating the horrors of famine in Russia?

Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (Leader of the House)

I have seen the memorandum to which the hon. Member refers, but, pending the full discussion which is to take place on Friday, I can add nothing to the statement which I made on Thursday last on this subject.


Do I understand that the question to-morrow will include the question of recognition?