HC Deb 15 March 1922 vol 151 cc2166-7
19. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how many admirals-of-the-fleet, admirals, vice - admirals,' rear -admirals, commodores, and captains, respectively, were employed on shore, including service in the Admiralty, in March, 1914; and if he will state the corresponding figures for March of this year?


As the reply is in tabular form, I propose, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, to circulate it in the OPFICIAI, REPORT. I may add that the figures for March, 1922, are not yet available. The figures for 18th February, 1922, the latest available date, have therefore been given.

The following is the reply:


As regards the first part of the question, the following remain for sale by the Admiralty:

"Strath" type trawlers 8
"Castle" type trawlers 61
"Mersey" type trawlers 34
Steel drifters 11
Wood 33
As regards the second part, 23 trawlers and 45 drifters are, for the time being, retained for naval service, but it is in contemplation to reduce this number. I may add that the sale of these trawlers and drifters is progressing satisfactorily considering the present market conditions.


Have not announcements been made by the Government from time to time that certain ships were not for sale, and, in breach of these announcements, have not these ships been put up for sale, to the considerable disadvantage of trade, and involving considerable cost and damage?