HC Deb 14 March 1922 vol 151 c1980

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that no announcement has yet been made on the Chelmsford Report on the Education (Choice of Employment) Act; that the period between now and the date fixed, 1st July, does not allow sufficient time for local education committees to prepare their schemes; and whether, such being the case, he will further postpone the date of decision of local education committers till 1st April, 1923?


The adoption by the Government of Lord Chelmsford's Report was announced by the Board of Education in a Circular of the 11th October, 1921, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy. I think that the interval between that date and the 30th June, 1922, gives local education authorities sufficient time to pass resolutions indicating whether they do or do not intend to exercise their powers in accordance with the Report. They will not necessarily be called upon to have their complete schemes ready to be brought into working by 1st July, and a reasonable interval for setting up the necessary machinery will be allowed.