HC Deb 13 March 1922 vol 151 c1768
39. Sir W. DAVISON

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to statements in the Press to the effect that never before in past occupancy of the Prime Minister's official residence has the staff supplied copy for the Press in such liberal fashion, and that Press representatives seldom go to Downing Street without some interesting information being supplied to them; whether there is any, and, if so, what person who is authorised by him to give information to the Press when they call at his official residence; and whether any change has been made in recent years as to the issue of information to the Press at Downing Street?


I understand that by the courtesy of the Prime Minister representatives of all newspapers can make inquiries from his Private Secretaries with a view to obtaining any information that is suitable for publication in regard to current events. Most of the newspapers, irrespective of their attitude towards the policy of the Government, avail themselves of this courtesy. No additional staff is employed for this purpose, but the Private Secretaries undertake this task in addition to their ordinary work. I am not aware that former Prime Ministers refused a similar opportunity to the Press.