HC Deb 13 March 1922 vol 151 cc1821-4
Ministry of Health 9,000,000
Royal Palaces 40,000
Osborne 6,500
Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens 74,000
Houses of Parliament Buildings 40,000
Miscellaneous Legal Buildings, Great Britain 35,000
Art and Science Buildings, Great Britain 131,000
Diplomatic and Consular Buildings 39,000
Revenue Buildings 521,000
Labour and Health Buildings, Great Britain 332,000
Public Buildings, Great Britain 1,080,000
House Building 34,000
Housing Schemes 50,000
War Memorials 2,000
Surveys of the United Kingdom 85,000
Peterhead Harbour 8,000
Rates on Government Property 850,000
Works and Buildings in Ireland 50,000
House of Lords Offices 28,800
House of Commons 120,000
Cabinet Offices 23,000
Treasury and Subordinate Departments 120,000
Home Office 170,000
Foreign Office 90,000
Colonial Office 367,000
India Office 45,000
Privy Council Office 4,610
Board of Trade 1,135,000
Department of Overseas Trade 180,000
Mercantile Marine Services 195,000
Bankruptcy Department of the Board of Trade 4
Mines Department of the Board of Trade 75,000
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 850,000
Forestry Commission 1,000
Ministry of Transport 65,000
Charity Commission 14,850
Government Chemist 16,000
Civil Service Commission 30,000
Exchequer and Audit Department 60,000
Friendly Societies Registry 14,500
Government Actuary 12,000
Board of Control 250,000
Mint (including Coinage) 4
National Debt Office 6,400
Public Record Office 13,000
Public Works Loan Commission 5
Registrar-General's Office 53,000
State Management Districts 40
Stationery and Printing 900,000
Woods, Forests, etc., Office of 13,000
Works and Public Buildings, Office of 185,000
Privy Seal Office 2,500
Secret Service 80,000
Secretary for Scotland, Office of 25,000
Board of Agriculture 120,000
Fishery Board 18,000
General Board of Control 57,900
Registrar-General's Office 8,300
Lord Lieutenant's Household 3,000
Irish Office, etc. 83,500
Law Charges 110,000
Miscellaneous Legal Expenses 45,000
Supreme Court of Judicature, etc. 220,000
Land Registry 34,000
Public Trustee 5
County Courts 100,000
Police, England and Wales 3,150,000
Prisons, England and Wales 500,000
Reformatory and Industrial Schools, England and Wales 250,000
Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum 27,000
Law Charges and Courts of Law 40,000
Scottish Land Court 4,500
Register House, Edinburgh 26,000
Police 420,000
Prisons 76,000
Reformatory and Industrial Schools 35,000
Supreme Court of Judicature, etc., Northern Ireland 20,000
Irish Land Commission 1,100,000
Royal Irish Constabulary 2,000,000
Board of Education 17,000,000
British Museum 120,000
National Gallery 15,000
National Portrait Gallery 2,500
Wallace Collection 4,000
London Museum 2,500
Imperial War Museum 6,000
Scientific Investigation, etc. 75,000
Scientific and Industrial Research 100,000
Universities and Colleges, United Kingdom, and Intermediate Education, Wales 500,000
Public Education 3,400,000
National Galleries 5,000
Diplomatic and Consular Services 700,000
Colonial Services 722,000
Middle Eastern Services 6,000,000
Telegraph Subsidies 4,700
League of Nations 62,000
Superannuation and Retired Allowances 510,000
Old Age Pensions 10,000,000
Ministry of Pensions 54,000,000
Merchant Seamen's War Pensions 217,600
Miscellaneous Expenses 6,282
Royal Commissions, etc. 10,000
National Savings Committee 29,000
Imperial War Graves Commission 100,000
Expenses under the Representation of the People Act 158,000
Government Hospitality Fund 5,000
Ex-Service Men (Ireland) Grant 300,000
Scottish Board of Health 900,000
Ministry of Labour 6,000,000
National Insurance Audit Department 60,000
Grants to Voluntary Hospitals 200,000
Road Grants—Unemplovment Relief 500,000
Unemployment Grants 820,000
Relief of Unemployment 600,000
Export Credits 200,000
Property Losses (Ireland) Compensation 40,000
Criminal Injuries (Ireland) Compensation 700,000
Disposal and Liquidation Commission 2,300,000
Shipping Liquidation Commission 800,000
Railway and Canal (War) Agreements Liquidation 2,000,000
Treasury Securities Deposit Scheme 38,000
Coal Mines Deficiency 3,000,000
Prize Claims 10,000
Coal Mining Industry Subvention 7,000
Grants for Compensation for Damage by Enemy Action 500,000
Customs and Excise 2,500,000
Inland Revenue 3,100,000
Post Office 24,000,000
Total for Civil Services and Revenue Departments (including Services arising out of the War) £148,300,000
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