HC Deb 09 March 1922 vol 151 cc1484-5

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the fact that, at a meeting of the Wands-worth Poor Law guardians, held at their board room on the 26th January last for the transaction of the board's business, the members were locked in by members of the public, and that the keys were taken away and have not been returned; is he aware that at the same meeting a member of an unemployed deputation made an application to the Wandsworth Guardians for a deputation to be received, accompanied by a threat from the applicant that, if the request was not acceded to, the deputation and others accompanying them would prevent the guardians from proceeding with their business; and will he have adequate measures taken in the future to provide police protection to members of the Poor Law guardians to enable them to discharge their public duties free from threats and molestation?


I am informed by the Commissioner that at 4.50 p.m. on the day in question a request for police assistance was received from the Wandsworth Poor Law Guardians, St. John's Infirmary, as a number of unemployed were at the guardians' offices threatening disorder and refusing to leave. Police were immediately sent and on arrival were informed by an official that the men had gone quietly away. The official also stated that a key was missing from one of the doors of the board room, and that he suspected it had been taken by one of the men who had applied for unemployment relief. The police are always prepared to render any assistance in such cases so far as their duties and legal powers permit, and prompt attention appears to have been given to the application made to them on this occasion.