HC Deb 09 March 1922 vol 151 cc1454-5

asked the Secretary for State for Air whether the central editing section of the Air Ministry was in abeyance during the recent absence of Air Vice-Marshal J. F. A. Higgins, C.B., D.S.O., A.F.C., at the Washington Conference; and whether it is now, on his return, resuming its functions?

Captain GUEST

The central editing section was necessarily in abeyance during the absence of Air Vice-Marshal Higgins at Washington, since no other senior officer possessing the requisite qualifications was available to take charge of it. On Air Vice-Marshal Higgins's return from America in the last week of January, it was decided that the section should resume its functions for a specified period of six weeks, in order that certain outstanding items might be completed, and, in pursuance of this decision, it ceased its functions on the 6th instant.


Is it starting its functions again after the six weeks, or will it be possible, in consideration of the fact that during the absence of this officer in America the section was not considered necessary, to dispense with it under the economies that will be effected in the Ministry?

Captain GUEST

Most of the hon. Member's supplementary question has been dealt with in my answer.