HC Deb 08 March 1922 vol 151 c1279
66. Brigadier-General NICHOLSON

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will define the geographical limits of Iraq now under British control, and for which money has been, and is to be, voted this financial year under the Army, Air, and Colonial Estimates?


The boundaries of Iraq have not been precisely delimited. As regards the Northern boundary the frontier between Turkey and Iraq was described in Article 27 of the Treaty of Sevres. The hon. and gallant Member is, of course, aware that that Treaty has not been ratified. On the south, Iraq is limited by the Persian Gulf, Koweit, and the desert; on the east by the Persian frontier; and on the west by a line running southwards from the point where the Tigris cuts the northern frontier to Abu Kemal on the Euphrates, and south of Abu Kemal by the desert.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the boundaries between Iraq and Turkey will be delimited, so that we may have some idea of our own responsibilities?


I wish I knew.


Have there been any infractions of the boundary by the Turks?


Yes, there has been certain liveliness from time to time on the Turkish frontier, but nothing of a serious character as yet.

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