HC Deb 07 March 1922 vol 151 c1079

asked the Postmaster-General whether in London and surburban London there are now postal collections varying from 10 p.m. to midnight on Sundays; whether letters collected at these times are delivered in the London postal area by the first delivery on Monday mornings; whether the postmen who make such collections, and the sorters who deal with the letters, are deemed to be doing Sunday labour; if so, what extra pay do they receive for their duties; and can he state, approximately, how many men are so employed on Sundays in the London postal area?


The answers to the first three parts of the question are in the affirmative, except as regards the sorters, who do not attend before midnight. Attendance on Sunday between midnight and midnight is paid for at rate and a half. The approximate number of postmen employed in making the collections is 1,100.