HC Deb 01 March 1922 vol 151 cc387-8
84. Sir R. CLOUGH

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number and names of countries which raised their tariffs against Great Britain in the period 1908 to 1916, and from 1916 to the present day?

Sir P. LLOYD-GREAME (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

In the periods named in the question it would be difficult to find many countries in which some modification of Customs Duties have not taken place. Such changes affect the products of Great Britain in common with those of other countries, and I am not aware of any instance in which there has been an all round increase of duties directed specially against this country. It is impossible to summarise these changes within the limits of an answer to a question, and I will therefore send my hon. Friend a statement showing the principal Tariff revisions which have taken place in the two periods named.