§ 96. Captain DIXONasked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that the detention of Irish store cattle is causing great loss to farmers; and whether he will now withdraw the Detention Order?
Sir A. BOSCAWENYes, Sir, I am aware that some loss is unfortunately being incurred by farmers in consequence 50 of the detention of Irish store cattle, but the situation with regard to foot-and-mouth disease has not yet improved sufficiently to justify me in withdrawing the Order.
§ Captain DIXONIs it not the fact that there has been absolutely no disease of any kind in Ireland?
Sir A. BOSCAWENI have said before that we have not been able to trace the actual existence of disease in Ireland, but apart from that the movements of Irish store cattle from market to market is, in my opinion, a very fruitful way of spreading disease, and we do not see our way at the present time to remove the Order.
§ Sir F. BANBURYIs it not the fact that Irish store cattle, when in England, are found to have disease, and that when in Ireland apparently they do not have it?