HC Deb 23 February 1922 vol 150 cc2106-7
80. Mr. LUNN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Sarwat Pasha made it a condition of his acceptance of the Premier ship of Egypt that the acceptance of the conditions should be signified in writing by the British Government; whether this condition appeared in the version published in this country; and whether the British Government intends to signify its acceptance in that manner?


asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether one of the conditions upon which Sarwat Pasha agreed to accept office was that the financial adviser should cease to have the right of attending the Cabinet Council; whether this condition has been published in this country; and whether Lord Allenby has been empowered to accept it?


Until His Majesty's Government have announced their intentions next week, it is premature to discuss the conditions under which, according to newspaper reports, Egyptian statesmen may be or may have been willing to assume office.


Is the Under-Secretary aware that possibly as a result of the possible death of this deportee a state of affairs might arise which would make a settlement exceedingly difficult, and why cannot the Under-Secretary press for the release of this deportee, which is all-important for the Egyptian people? The state of his health is very grave.


The hon. Gentleman is referring to the wrong person, I think. The question on the Paper concerned Sarwat Pasha.

81. Mr. LUNN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Sarwat Pasha's conditions of his acceptance of the Premiership, as published by him in Egypt, included the release of the deportees; whether this condition appeared in the version published in this country; and whether Lord Allenby is to negotiate with Egyptian leaders or the basis of the conditions published in Egypt or of those published here?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given by the Prime Minister on the 20th instant to the hon. and gallant Member for Newcastle (Major Barnes).

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