HC Deb 22 February 1922 vol 150 c1876
19. Mr. HANNON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he can state the date at which one or more of the capital ships provided for in the Naval Estimates of the current financial year will be laid down; and whether, in the interests of the safety of the Empire, he will not allow further delay in giving effect to the programme of naval construction approved by Parliament last Session?


None of the four super-Hoods contemplated in the current Estimates will be laid down unless one or more of the Powers who signed the Naval Treaty at Washington fail to ratify it, in which case the whole matter would require reconsideration. The date for the laying down of the two 35,000-ton vessels agreed upon at Washington will inevitably be delayed by the necessity of getting out new designs, and I am not yet in a position to give an exact date.


Will the hon. Gentleman take care that no panic on the ground of economy will interfere with the efficiency of the Fleet?


Will the hon. Gentleman undertake that one of the ships that are to be laid down will be built at Davenport?