HC Deb 22 February 1922 vol 150 c1910
Mr. BETTERTON (by Private Notice)

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Government contemplate any alteration of the functions at present discharged by the Civil Service Arbitration Board?

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (Sir Robert Horne)

His Majesty's Government have been considering this matter. The conditions which led to the establishment of the Civil Service Arbitration Board some five years ago have been entirely changed by the formation of Whitley Councils for the discussion of questions affecting the remuneration and conditions of service of civil servants: and the Government have come to the conclusion that the continuance of the present arrangements for compulsory arbitration are inconsistent with, and to some extent militate against, the development of these Councils on the best lines. They have accordingly decided that the time has now come for bringing the present arbitration arrangements to an end. They have decided also that under these altered conditions it would be desirable to strengthen the National Whitley Council for the Civil Service by the appointment of some Members of this House who would form part of the official side.