HC Deb 21 February 1922 vol 150 cc1721-2
76. Lieut.-Colonel POWNALL

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how many non-service men and how many women are employed in the Stationery Office Department in a tem- porary capacity; and what steps he is taking to secure that the posts held by such personnel shall be filled by ex-service men who have been discharged from Government Departments and are now awaiting re-allocation?


Excluding industrial staff, there are 59 non-service men, of whom 19 are under notice of discharge, and 323 women, of whom 6 are under notice of discharge, employed in a temporary capacity in the Stationery Office. Thirty-one of the non-service men are employed upon technical duties and are gradually being replaced by permanent officers or discharged on reduction of staff; of the women, 300 are not replaceable by ex-service men, being mainly typists, duplicating machine operators and charwomen. The position of the remaining non-service personnel is periodically under review by the Departmental Substitution Committee, and further substitution is being effected as the exigencies of the work permit.


Considering that there is such a large number of ex-service men out of employment, cannot they be used for the purpose of typewriting?


Every opportunity is taken to find employment of that sort. I recently arranged, in connection with such questions as those raised by the hon. Member, for a monthly conference between the Joint Substitution Board and the representatives of the organisations of ex-service men and of women, and I find that this arrangement is working very smoothly in order to overcome difficulties and questions of this sort.

Sir F. HALL rose


The hon. Member should give other hon. Members a chance.