HC Deb 21 February 1922 vol 150 cc1725-6
84 and 85. Mr. CAIRNS

asked the Secretary for Mines (1) the difference in price of pit timber, iron rails, wagons, tubs, and pulleys, and the general plant connected with the proper working of coal mines in Great Britain and Ireland at the present date and in June, 1914, respectively; what is the price now of pit oils, grease, and tallow, and in June, 1914, respectively;; and the increase in the cost of a ton of coal between these two dates;

(2) what the royalty, rents, and way-leaves were in 1914 and now in the County of Northumberland; what were the ships' freights in June, 1914, and now; and what were the railway carriage rates in 1914 and now; and can he give the total royalties, wayleaves, carriage, and freights paid for the year 1921 in each district and for the country?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Bridgeman)

I will answer this and the following question together. I regret that the latest figures available on this subject are for the quarter ended the 31st March, 1921, and these, of course, are little guide to the present position. I hope very shortly to have the figures for the quarter ended the 30th September, 1921, and if the hon. Member will then repeat his questions, I will do my best to give him the information that he wants, though it will not be possible for me to go into the items of cost in the detail that he suggests.


When may I put the question?


I hope to have the figures in a week or ten days. There has been some delay, and I am sorry about it.


Will the hon. Gentleman reply to both questions?


I cannot reply in detail as the hon. Member requires.


Is the hon. Member aware that these questions affect all the miners of the country?