HC Deb 15 February 1922 vol 150 c985

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the numbers of the staff employed at the Admiralty in July, 1914, and at the latest available date?


The number of staff employed at the Admiralty on 1st February was as follows:

Civil and naval staff 3,777
Messengers and charwomen 634
Total 4,411
This staff is being reduced by some 500 by the end of next month, and this reduction will be followed by further substantial reductions during the spring and summer months. I may add that it must be recognised that these reductions will seriously delay the distribution of War medals and prize money, and also the final winding up of transactions arising out of the War. Arrangements have already been made to get down to [...],800 by the end of the next financial year and methods of reducing this number still further are now under consideration. The staff in July, 1914, was:
Civil and naval staff 1,718
Messengers and charwomen 354
Total 2,072

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