HC Deb 13 February 1922 vol 150 cc597-8
61. Mr. RAPER

asked the Prime Minister how many notes, and on what dates, have been exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the Russian Soviet Government since the British note published in the London Press on the 21st September last regarding the breaches of the terms of the trade agreement by the Russian Soviet Republic; and whether His Majesty's Government is now entirely satisfied with the explanations which have been forthcoming from the Russian Soviet Government?


The reply of the Soviet Government to the Note of His Majesty's Government calling attention to violations of the Trade Agreement was received on 11th October. A further Note was despatched On 2nd November, in which His Majesty's Government reaffirmed the truth of their charges which the Soviet Government had sought to deny. His Majesty's Government are not satisfied with the explanations given, but they are looking to the opportunity afforded by the Genoa Conference for establing a more definite and satisfactory understanding.


Will the terms of these Notes be published?


I will consult my Noble Friend the Foreign Secretary on the subject.

75. Mr. RAPER

asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the net total value in pounds sterling of all goods of Russian production imported into Great Britain from Russia from the date of the signature of the Economic Agreement concluded last March up till the end of December last; and what was the net total value of all goods of British production exported from Greet Britain to Russia during the same period?


The total value of merchandise consigned from Russia (including Siberia) which was registered as imported into the United Kingdom during the period from 1st April to 31st December, 1921, was £2,449,726. The particulars available do not show what part, if any, of these goods were produced elsewhere than in Russia, or what quantities of goods of Russian production may have been consigned from the Baltic States and other non-Russian countries. Separate particulars for European Russia are not available. The value of United Kingdom produce and manufactures registered as consigned from this country to Russia during the same period was £2,130,908. Any goods which may ultimately have reached Russia but were consigned to other countries are not included in this total.