HC Deb 13 February 1922 vol 150 c573
11. Major BARNES

asked the President of the Board of Trade if the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Company have made an application under Section 1 of the Gas Regulations Act, 1920; if so, on what date; whether the Board of Trade have made an Order under this Section; if so, on what date; what were the terms thereof, particularly in respect of Subsection 4 of this Section; whether the provisions of Sub-section 6 of this Section were complied with in respect of public notice being given; if so, in what manner; whether any objections were duly made; if so, by whom; whether any inquiry was held; and, if so, where, and by whom?


The Board of Trade received an application from the Newcastle-on-Tyne and Gateshead Gas Company on 12th February, 1921, for an Order under Section 1 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920. An Order was made on 27th April, a copy of which I am sending to the hon. and gallant Member. The provisions of Sub-section 6 were duly complied with by advertisement of the application in the "London Gazette," and in a local newspaper, and by service of notice upon the local authorities. Representations were received from the Newcastle on-Tyne, Gateshead and Wallsend Corporations, the Felling-on-Tyne, Whickham, Newburn, Gosforth and Longbenton Urban District Councils, and from the North Eastern Railway Company. An inquiry was held at the Board of Trade on 30th March by the Director of Gas Administration, at which the Newcastleon-Tyne and Gateshead Corporations and the Whickham Urban District Council appeared and were heard in support of their objections.