HC Deb 08 February 1922 vol 150 cc138-9

I beg to move: That no Bills, other than Government Bills, be introduced in anticipation of the ballot, and that all Members who desire to ballot, whether for Bills or for Motions for Tuesdays, 14th and 21st February, and Wednesdays, 15th and 22nd February, do hand in their names at the Table during the Sitting of the House on Tuesday, 7th February, or Wednesday, 8th February, and that a copy of the Notice of such Bill or Motion be handed in at the latest during the Sitting of the House on Thursday, 9th February: That the ballot for the precedence of the said Bills and Motions be taken on Thursday, 9th February, at a convenient time and place, to be appointed by Mr. Speaker, and that the presentation of Bills on Friday, 10th February, be taken as soon after Twelve of the Clock as Mr. Speaker may deem convenient. This is the usual Motion put down in the usual form, as was done by my predecessor last year, but as was the case with my predecessor last year, I am sorry to say this year also I am bound to give notice to the House that I shall have to ask the House, assuming the Debate on the Address be finished, to give the Government the whole of the time of the House up to the close of the financial year. It is, of course, not proper for me to give my reasons for that Motion on the present occasion, or to discuss it in any shape or form, but it is a matter of fairness that I should make the statement now, lest when the ballots are taken, hon. Members should, in ignorance of that intention, put down their Motions or Bills for days which the Government will ask to have reserved for Government business.


The Motion is in the usual terms and is, of course, the Motion which is always presented at this time of the Session. Without entering into any discussion of the Motion which my right hon. Friend, with his usual courtesy, has intimated to the House, may I ask him to bear in mind that he will, no doubt be pressed from all quarters of the House to see that although the Government takes the time, as it also usually does, that some extension of time should be given to private Members at a later stage of the Session—an arrangement which was made last year, and which met, I think, with fairly general approval.


When does my right hon. Friend propose to move that Motion?


The day after the close of the Debate on the Address in reply to the Gracious Speech.

Question put, and agreed to.


In pursuance of the Resolution passed by the House, I have appointed 12 o'clock to-morrow as the time, and No. 10 Committee Room as the place in which the ballot will be taken.