HC Deb 12 April 1922 vol 153 c466

Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.

The House went, and, having returned,

Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to

  1. 1. Pawnbrokers Act, 1922.
  2. 2. Army and Air Force (Annual) Act, 1922.
  3. 3. Unemployment Insurance Act, 1922.
  4. 4. Diseases of Animals Act, 1922.
  5. 5. East India Loans (Railways and Irrigation) Act, 1922.
  6. 6. Kenya Divorces (Validity) Act, 1922.
  7. 7. Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation Act, 1922.
  8. 8. Highland Railway Order Confirmation Act, 1922.
  9. 9. Tees Conservancy Act, 1922.
  10. 10. Madras Railway Annuities Act, 1922.
  11. 11. Milford Docks Act, 1922.

And to the following Measure passed under the provisions of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919:

Representation of the Laity (Amendment) Measure, 1922.