§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.
§ The House went, and, having returned,
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to
- 1. Pawnbrokers Act, 1922.
- 2. Army and Air Force (Annual) Act, 1922.
- 3. Unemployment Insurance Act, 1922.
- 4. Diseases of Animals Act, 1922.
- 5. East India Loans (Railways and Irrigation) Act, 1922.
- 6. Kenya Divorces (Validity) Act, 1922.
- 7. Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation Act, 1922.
- 8. Highland Railway Order Confirmation Act, 1922.
- 9. Tees Conservancy Act, 1922.
- 10. Madras Railway Annuities Act, 1922.
- 11. Milford Docks Act, 1922.
§ And to the following Measure passed under the provisions of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919:
§ Representation of the Laity (Amendment) Measure, 1922.