HC Deb 06 April 1922 vol 152 cc2403-4
44. Viscount CURZON

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if the special constables captured at Clones have yet been released; if the murderers of Lieutenant Ginochio have been apprehended; if not, whether any steps are now being taken to catch the assassins; and whether any joint inquiry into this assassination is to be held?

Sir H. GREENWOOD: I understand that the special constables captured at Clones railway station have not yet been released. Presumably their case will now fall to be considered by the two Irish Governments under Clause 10 of the recent Peace Agreement, which provides for the release of political prisoners in cases agreed upon between the signatories to that Agreement. In regard to the latter part of the question, no arrests have yet been made in connection with the murder of Lieutenant Genochio. The question of holding a joint inquiry into the circumstances of this tragedy is still undecided.

Viscount CURZON

When may we expect the joint decision? It is obvious the question cannot be allowed to continue too long. Could the right hon. Gentleman state what is the reason why there is so much delay in coming to any sort of decision whether to accept the offer of the Irish Free State to have an inquiry into the matter or not?


In answer to the first part of the question as to the release of the special constables, that is a matter now between the Northern and the Southern Governments of Ireland. I expect a decision in respect to the special constables at a very early date. In reference to the last part I regret I cannot give the Noble Lord any further information.

Lieut.-Colonel ASHLEY

Supposing these special constables are held by De Valera's men and not by Collins' men, what will happen then?


My hon. and gallant Friend is, I believe, wrong in basing his supplementary on that presumption. I understand these men are under the control of the Provisional Government.

Lieut.-Colonel ASHLEY

Then why have not they been released long ago?


That is one of the questions which was taken up in the recent conference between the Northern and Southern Governments. I have no doubt those two Governments are now dealing with that particular question. My latest information is that all these special constables are in good health and well treated.