§ 80. Mr. KILEYasked the Minister of Agriculture who is the Hop Controller; what are the terms of his engagement and what salary he receives; and whether 2430 there is any appeal from the decisions he gives when applications for licences to import hops are refused by him?
Sir A. BOSCAWENThe Hop Controller is Mr. G. Foster Clark, J.P. He is charged with the administration of the hop control which has been sanctioned by Parliament in the Ministry of Food (Continuance) Act, 1920, and he is empowered to make such Regulations as may be necessary to give effect to the control. Mr. Clark receives no salary for his services. The reply to the last part of the question is in the negative. I may, however, take this opportunity of stating that I have received from representatives of all the interests concerned expressions of the high esteem in which Mr. Clark is held for the efficient and considerate manner in which he has discharged his onerous duties.