HC Deb 06 April 1922 vol 152 cc2412-3
30. Viscount CURZON

asked the Prime Minister whether any special allowances are to be made to or any expenses incurred by the British delegation or staff at Genoa other than those incurred in travelling, and, if so, what are they; if any estimate of the daily expenditure in respect of the British delegation can be given; and whether any persons not belonging to the delegation are to make use of the travelling facilities?


I would refer the Noble Lord to my answer to a similar question put by the hon. Member for South Kensington (Sir W. Davison) on the 3rd April. The outfit allowance will be £10, and not £15 as I then stated, and will be confined to official messengers employed on the staff of the delegation. No estimate of the daily expenditure falling upon British funds can at present be furnished, but, as has already been stated, it is not anticipated that the charge will be great, as the British delegates and their staff are to be the guests of the Italian Government.

Viscount CURZON

Can the hon. Gentleman give me an answer to the last sentence of the question?


I much regret that that part was overlooked, but I think, speaking off-hand, that the answer would be in the negative.

Viscount CURZON

Would the hon. Gentleman look into that point and give me an answer?


I will, certainly.