HC Deb 06 April 1922 vol 152 cc2585-6

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."


May we have a word of explanation about this Bill. I do not think we should pass this Measure without a word being said about it.

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Edward Wood)

I am quite willing to give a word of explanation about this Bill, and I am surprised that I have not been asked to do so earlier. This Measure deals with a purely technical matter, and the necessity for the Bill arises out of a practical invalidity. Hon. Members may be aware that in Kenya, ever since 1904, under the Kenya Ordinance, divorces have been granted. Those were held to be valid until last year when, by a decision of the High Court, it was held that, owing to the technical question of domicile, those divorces were not valid in the case of people resident in Kenya and maintaining a domicile in the United Kingdom. It will be remembered that the same point arose in connection with India last-year when the Indian Divorces (Validity) Act was passed into law. The same situation has arisen in Kenya as occurred in India, and that is why this Bill is necessary.

Lieut.-Colonel WATTS-MORGAN

Does this Bill refer to black people or to white people?


It refers to anybody who has obtained a divorce under the Kenya Ordinance.

Bill reported, without Amendment; read the Third time, and passed.

The remaining Orders were read, and postponed.

It being after half-past Eleven of the Clock upon Thursday evening, Mr. SPEAKER adjourned the House, without Question put, pursuant to the Standing Order.

Adjourned at Thirteen Minutes after Twelve o'Clock.