HC Deb 05 April 1922 vol 152 cc2248-50 With a view to securing an immediate resumption of negotiations between the parties, it is jointly agreed to recommend as follows: This Conference of the representatives of the Unions declares its willingness to resume negotiations with the Employers on the basis of Conference of 24th March, 1922; and accepts the principles laid down in Clause 1 thereof which imply the right of the management pending negotiations to give instructions, except where modified by agreement which may be entered into as a result of the negotiations which follow hereon.

The Employers and the Negotiating Committee of the Unions will endeavour to adjust mutually their ideas as to the manner in which the principle of management and the functions of trade unions will be applied to the actual circumstances of the cases to be discussed.




National Joint Council.

Should the Conference of the Representatives of the Trade Unions accept the foregoing I shall submit to the Employers the position referred to in paragraph 4 of my letter to Mr. Arthur Henderson of 25th March. 1922, with a view to reconsideration, and shall arrange for a further conference between the Employers and the Negotiating Committee of the Trade Unions on Monday, 3rd April, 1922, at 3.30 p.m.


1st April, 1922."


Why are the negotiations delayed until next Monday? Provided an agreement is reached between the unions and the employers on the question of managerial functions, will that agreement be officially made known to the executive of the Amalgamated Engineering Union for their consideration, and possibly a ballot of their members?


I think all expedition will be used. There are communications to be made with the constituent bodies of various kinds, and I think those responsible are not losing any time in settling down to the serious discussion on Monday. As to the second point, if these good people come to an agreement there is no reason under the sun why that should not be communicated to the Amalgamated Engineering Union.


In order to clear away misunderstanding and suspicion, would the right hon. Gentleman state definitely whether the principle of prior consultation in matters of overtime is ruled out?


I have read the document. I will read again one sentence in the document of last Saturday, jointly signed by the hon. Member for South Croydon (Sir A. Smith) and the right hon. Member for Widnee (Mr. A. Henderson). It is as follows: . "…accepts the principle laid down in Clause one thereof, which implies the right of the management, pending negotiations, to give instructions.…