HC Deb 04 April 1922 vol 152 cc2004-5
11. Colonel Sir A. HOLBROOK

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the garrison theatres at various military centres were built for the sole purpose of regimental concerts, regimental dances, boxing tournaments, and generally for the use of the regiments stationed in the garrisons, but are now run by the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes as trading concerns, and cannot be utilised for the purpose of regimental entertainments; and if he can state if any, and what, rent is paid to garrison funds by the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes for the use of these buildings?


These theatres are conducted by the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes for the purpose for which they were erected, namely, the amusement and instruction of the forces, and I am informed that the suggestion that they cannot be used for the purpose of regimental entertainments is not accurate. The question of the rent payable to garrison funds for a theatre, provided out of those funds and not from public money, would, in the first instance, be for settlement between the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes and the garrison authorities as a private matter; but if my hon. and gallant Friend will give me particulars of any case in which he thinks the interests of the public or of the troops are being prejudiced, I shall be glad to look into the matter.