HC Deb 04 April 1922 vol 152 cc2011-2
96. Sir J. BUTCHER

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he can now announce the arrangements that have been made for restoring the arms and ammunition taken from loyal subjects during the past two or three years by order of His Majesty's Government for safe custody by the Government; whether he can give an assurance that these arms and ammunition will be handed over to their lawful owners by officials of His Majesty's Government without passing through other hands; and whether compensation will be made to the owners for any of this property which has been stolen or lost while in the custody of the Government?

The CHIEF SECRETARY for IRELAND (Sir Hamar Greenwood)

No announcement can yet be made as to what restrictions the Provisional Government may make as to the possession of arms, and until the Provisional Government have come to a decision on the matter, the restoration of surrendered arms cannot be considered. Where, however, the owners of surrendered arms desire the arms to be restored to them in Great} Britain, they should make application to General Headquarters, Parkgate, Dublin, giving particulars of the arms and furnishing a copy of the receipt given by the military or police officer to whom the arms were surrendered. Arrangements will then be made for their return. The question of compensation in respect of arms which cannot be found will be dealt with if and when it arises, and I am not prepared to give any general undertaking on the subject.


Pending the decision of the Provisional Government, will my right hon. Friend take care that these arms are kept safely in the custody of the British Government?


They are now in the custody of the British Government.


Will they be kept there?



Viscount CURZON

Are we to understand that the Provisional Government are making any restriction on the carrying or storage of arms?


The Provisional Government is considering at present the issue of Regulations governing the carrying of arms.