HC Deb 03 April 1922 vol 152 cc1838-9

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will obtain returns from the local education authorities who have ceased to maintain day continuation schools on a compulsory basis as to the number now in attendance, and as to the cost per head?


The authorities concerned are Birmingham and West Ham. In the former area day continuation schools have been maintained on a basis of voluntary attendance since 1st April, 1921, and I will endeavour to obtain figures both of attendance and cost as soon as possible. In West Ham the schools were conducted for part of the year on a basis of obligatory attendance and for the rest on a voluntary basis, and a good deal of analysis would be required to answer the hon. Baronet's question. The cost per student enrolled would in any case be a misleading figure, and a better standard would be the cost per student-day of attendance. In the week ending 31st March the number enrolled was 718, the average amount of attendance in the week for each student being about two days.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, so far as West Ham is concerned, the reason for the discontinuance of the day schools was the hostility of the employers in the borough?


No, Sir, I am not aware of that.


asked the President of the Board of Education what action he proposes to take in regard to the continuation schools in London, the abolition of which was urged by the large majority of successful candidates at the recent London County Council elections?


I understand that the newly-elected Council have under consideration the question of their policy in regard to day continuation schools. I do not propose to anticipate their decision.

Lieut.-Colonel GUINNESS

Is it a fact that a large number of employers in the London area are engaging young persons from outside the area, so as to avoid the inconvenience of losing their services on certain afternoons in the week; and will he, therefore, either do away with this system in London, or else extend it to the outlying districts as well?


I am awaiting a report from the London County Council. I understand that the London County Council have asked for a report from their education committee, and, until the facts are before me, obviously I cannot take any action.