HC Deb 07 November 1921 vol 148 cc28-9
38. Lord R. CECIL

asked the Prime Minister whether he can give any further information about Albania; and, in particular, whether any action has been taken under the Covenant of the League of Nations to prevent the neighbours of that country from attacking her?


According to the latest reports from His Majesty's representative in Albania, the Jugo-Slav forces have now occupied Lurya and Oroshi and are continuing to advance. The Conference of Ambassadors, at their meeting on Saturday, were able to come to an agreement as to the frontiers of Albania, and these frontiers will at once be notified to the interested parties. The Serb-Croat-Slovene Government will then be summoned to withdraw their forces from Albanian territory. His Majesty's Government have meanwhile taken steps formally to recognise the Government at Tirana as the de jure Government of the whole of Albania.

As regards the last part of my Noble Friend's question, I understand that the Albanian Government have now addressed a further appeal to the League of Nations. It is to be hoped that, in face of the decision now come to by the Ambassadors Conference, the Serb-Croat-Slovene Government will instruct their forces to withdraw. The situation is, however, of so serious a nature that His Majesty's Government have called upon the Secretary General of the League of Nations to summon an immediate meeting of the Council in order that they may consider the application of Article 16 to the present situation, and may agree upon the measures to be taken in the event of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Government continuing to evade their obligations under the Covenant.


With the permission of the House, I should like to express my warm gratitude to my hon. Friend.

Sir J. D. REES

Will not this matter come before the greater League of Nations at Washington?