HC Deb 28 June 1921 vol 143 cc2057-8

Order for Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a Second time."

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

I have an Amendment to this. I understand that when the Prime Minister is ready to make his long-looked-for statement a Motion for the Adjournment will be made from the Front Bench opposite. I shall be very glad, because I want to hear his statement as much as anybody. In the meantime, I do not see why we should not be allowed to discuss important matters and thus presently and appropriately fill in the time. I have an Amendment which is important. It is a new Clause stating that this Act shall not apply to Ireland. My reasons are, in the first place, that owing to the longitudinal position of Dublin, Ireland already enjoys some half an hour extra summer time as it is. Therefore summer time is not necessary for Ireland. Secondly, this is a matter that may well be left to the Legislatures that have been set up in Ireland. It is purely a domestic matter, and I think the inclusion of Ireland must have been an oversight on the part of the Government. If the Government are prepared to accept my Amendment I shall be very glad. I am quite certain that the Parliament of Northern Ireland would be glad to deal with this matter, and in any case the powers of the military are such that they can impose two hours of summer time if they like, or three hours of summer time. As a matter of fact, they are imposing now a very drastic extra summer time through the imposition of the curfew. Owing to very fortuitous circumstances which have arisen I do not want to say anything that will give rise to controversy about the military rule in Ireland, but military governors have the power to impose summer time to the extent of two or three hours. [HON. MEMBERS: "Agreed!"] I take it we are on the Report stage.


I thought the hon. and gallant Member had got a little mixed. We are on the Second Reading, and that is a long way off the Report stage.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

I apologise. I wish to move that this Bill be read a Second time upon this day three months. I will very briefly explain why I do that. I am now dealing with the question of England, not of Ireland. In principle I object to the War time restrictions being kept on in peace time. There are many people who have benefited by being made to get up earlier than they would otherwise have done. I take it that the Prime Minister, who has just entered the House, does not wish to hear my objections to the Summer Time Bill. Therefore if he will instruct the Leader of the House to move the Adjournment, I will sit down. Perhaps I may be allowed to move "That the Debate be now adjourned."

Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (Leader of the House)

I would, appeal to the hon. and gallant Member to meet the convenience of the House and to let us get this Bill. [HON. MEMBERS: "No."]

Motion made, and Question, "That the Debate be now Adjourned," put, and agreed to.—[Lieut. - Commander Kenworthy.]

Debate to be resumed To-morrow.