HC Deb 28 June 1921 vol 143 c2124

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now Adjourn."—[Colonel Leslie Wilson.]


May I ask the Prime Minister whether he has any news from Ireland to announce to the House, and whether he has received any reply to either of the communications which he addressed to leaders in Ireland?


I have just received from the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, the following telegram: Dear Prime Minister,—With further reference to your communication of the 24th instant, as the result of the decision reached at the meeting of my Cabinet this morning, I am now in a position to reply. In view of the appeal conveyed to us by His Majesty's Gracious Message, on the occasion of the opening of the Northern Parliament, for peace throughout Ireland, we cannot refuse to accept your invitation to a Conference to discuss how best this can be accomplished. I propose to bring with me Mr. H. M. Pollock, Minister of Finance, Mr. J. M. Andrews, Minister of Labour, the right hon. the Marquess of Londonderry, K.G., Minister of Education, and the right hon. E. M. Archdale, Minister of Agriculture. Will you kindly inform me of the place and hour of meeting?—Yours sincerely, JAMES CRAIG. I have received no communication from Mr. De Valera up to the present.

Adjourned accordingly at Five Minutes after Eleven o' Clock.