HC Deb 22 June 1921 vol 143 cc1345-6

asked the Minister of Labour whether any decision has been arrived at regarding the new rates of wages recommended by the Grocery and Provision Trade Board; and, if so, can he state on what date they will come into effect?

18. Sir F. HALL

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the decision of the Grocery and Provision Trade Board, by a majority of 28 to 25, to grant increased wages to all sections of workers in the food distributive trades; and whether, considering that such action would result in an increase in the price of food and that the decision of the Board was arrived at when the cost of living was 175 per cent. above the prices ruling previous to the War and that the cost of living has now fallen to 119 per cent. above 1914, he will carefully consider all the facts before granting the request of the Trade Board which has recommended such increase?

19. Mr. W. CARTER

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the statement by the appointed members of the Grocery Trade Board that in fixing the rates they had regard to the capabilities of the poorest firms in the worst paid districts; whether the wages paid by co-operative retail and wholesale societies to female shop assistants are above the level of the wages fixed by the Grocery Trade Board, being in many instances as much as 12s. above the Trade Board rates at the age of 18, and 24s. above these rates at the age of 26; and whether he now proposes to confirm the rates fixed by the Grocery Trade Board?

86. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the President of the Board of Trade at what date the Trade Board rate of wages for employés in the grocery trade will come into operation?


I have heard personally representations from both sides of the Trade Board on this subject, and I hope to announce my decision this week. In regard to the point made in Question No. 19 by my hon. Friend the Member for Mansfield, the information before me shows that the rates of wages paid under agreements by co-operative societies to their workers are higher than the rates fixed by the Trade Board, though differences are not so substantial as is suggested by my hon. Friend.


Is that an answer to all the questions on this subject?


Yes. I do not know if my hon. and gallant Friend has an unstarred question down.

Colonel NEWMAN

Has the right hon. Gentleman received any representations from the consuming public?


I have received a good many representations from both grocers and grocers' employés and from various other people concerned, but I cannot charge my memory with the fact that anyone has applied to me as a consumer.