HC Deb 21 June 1921 vol 143 cc1086-8
53. Captain W. BENN

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether it is proposed to introduce revised Esti- mates before the Committee of Supply is closed, as a result of economies made pursuant to the recent Treasury circular?


In view of the short time available before Committee of Supply is closed, I do not think the course suggested by the hon. and gallant Member would be a suitable, or, indeed, possible, one. It will be remembered that answers to the circular are not expected to be received till towards the end of July.

Captain BENN

Does that reply mean that no substantial economies are hoped for?


No, Sir.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether it is his intention, before the end of the Session, to present to the House a fresh estimate of the expenditure and revenue of the current year?


As I stated on the 2nd instant, my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer sees no reason to modify the Budget Estimates of revenue, and he is not yet in a position to add, as regards expenditure, to what was said in the Budget statement.


May I ask, without any disrespect to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer, why it that he is not here, seeing that it is his day? If there is some unavoidable reason, well and good, but I should like to know.


I hope I may be permitted to answer that question. I am sure that the House will extend to my right hon. Friend the consideration which it has been good enough uniformly to show to me. My right hon. Friend was busily engaged all day yesterday, and will be to-day, in conducting the Finance Bill through Committee, and, as I had occasion to speak to him a few moments ago, I have reason to know that he is at work with a view to the discussion which will take place this afternoon.


The question was whether the Chancellor of the Exchequer will make any fresh Estimates before the end of the Session. Was that quite accu- rately answered by the references to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's present opinion?

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

In view of the fact that the industrial situation will result in a great loss to the revenue, are the Government not considering a reduction of Estimates before the end of the year?


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the balance of expenditure over revenue for the first two months of this year is £16,000,000, and that in the corresponding period of last year there was a surplus of £37,000,000?


The hon. Member is giving information, and not asking for it.

Captain BENN

Could the hon. Gentleman give us an idea of the aggregate increase in expenditure over the Budget Estimate?