HC Deb 21 June 1921 vol 143 cc1081-3
90. Mr. ACLAND

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will state the terms of Notice B, which is served on persons whose houses or property are to be destroyed by official order in the martial law area?


I am informed by the Commander-in-Chief that Notice B gives a brief account of any murder or outrage for which the Military Governor has decided to exact punishment and his reasons for the selection of any particular property for destruction as a consequence. It further states the time allowed to the owner or occupant from the hour of receipt of the notice for the removal of valuables, foodstuffs or forage.

Captain W. BENN

Does Notice B describe the military necessities under which the house is being destroyed?


Yes, it is the reason for the selection of that property.

Captain BENN

Does it give the reasons of military necessity?


I am informed by the Commander-in-Chief that the notice gives the reasons for the selection of any particular property for destruction.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Is this a printed form, and if so, how can it be applied to each particular case, as for example, a man who is in hospital at the time of the outrage whose house was blown up?


I do not think it is a printed form. I believe it is written in each case.

92. Mr. ACLAND

asked the Chief Secretary by whose orders the proclamation was issued at Military Headquarters, Cork, on 29th April, to the effect that, owing to the burning of the houses of two loyalist farmers in the Crossbarry neighbourhood, three farmhouses of prominent and active Sinn Feiners were burnt as an official reprisal, and that it is intended to carry out official reprisals in that proportion, or, if that does not have the desired effect, in greater proportion; and whether this proclamation is still in force?


The Commander-in-Chief informs me that a public notice to this effect was issued on the authority of the military governor. Every official action taken against property is governed by the recent order of the Commander-in-Chief referred to in the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Chief Secretary to the hon. and gallant Member for Bury St. Edmunds on 13th June.

94. Mr. MOSLEY

asked the Chief Secretary how many houses have been burned in Ireland since the initiation of official reprisals on the ground that their owners have afforded moral support to Sinn Fein; whether he will describe what constitutes moral support; and whether voting for Sinn Fein candidates at the recent election is considered to be moral support?


The number of houses destroyed by official Orders in the martial law area was given in reply to a question by the hon. Member for Rothwell as recently as last Wednesday. My right hon. Friend the Chief Secretary has already dealt very fully with the reasons for which these punishments have been inflicted, and I cannot undertake to analyse those reasons in the way the hon. Member desires. As regards the last part of the question, however, I may point out that there was no voting at the recent election within the area in which these punishments have taken place.


In reference to the new ground that was given on 15th June, that these houses were burned because their owners had afforded moral support to Sinn Fein, will the right hon. Gentleman describe what he means by "moral support"?


I find it difficult to answer a question of that kind, because there are a great many people who give moral support to Sinn Fein who would never admit it.

Captain BENN

Does the right hon. Gentleman say that the giving of moral support to Sinn Fein is sufficient excuse for the destruction of the property of people who give it?


I can only deal with the particular question put to me. If any question refers to a specific case I will endeavour to answer it.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the chief moral support derived by Sinn Fein either in Ireland or abroad is due to the incompetence and brutality of the Government?