HC Deb 21 June 1921 vol 143 c1072
22. Colonel BURN

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will give the actual number of horses of the British troops in Mesopotamia that were recently destroyed by order; and by what means and under whose supervision were they destroyed?


During the period from 1st January, 1921, to 31st May last (the latest date for which such information is at present available), 4,572 horses, 1,794 mules, and 43 bullocks were destroyed in Mesopotamia. All of these animals were unfit either for retention or sale. I have no special information regarding the latter part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question, but the ordinary method of destruction, which was, doubtless, followed, would be by shooting the animals, and this would be carried out under the supervision of the Army Veterinary Service.

Colonel BURN

Will the right hon. Gentleman ascertain by what method they were killed and not leave it to chance?


It is not left to chance. The Army Veterinary Service officers are there, and I am certain that we can rely upon them carrying out the destruction in the most humane fashion.