HC Deb 15 June 1921 vol 143 cc382-4
7. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has information regarding the alleged destruction by Greek soldiers of the tomb of Orkhan Ghazi, of the alleged attempt made to destroy the mosque of Oulou at Brusa, of alleged outrages perpetrated by Greek sailors at Ismid, who mutilated and murdered Turkish men, women, and children, of the plunder of the property of Turks in Thrace, of the alleged plunder, outrage, and mutilation at Ushak; whether the Greek commander at Smyrna, one of the chief ports of the Ottoman empire, has flogged inhabitants for exhibiting the Turkish flag; and whether he can make any statement as to the authenticity of these reports?


His Majesty's Government have no information as to these particular allegations. Many complaints of Greek and Turkish outrages have, however, been received and, as far as practicable, investigated. As the House has already been informed, representations have been made to the Greek Government on the subject of Greek outrages which were found to have been committed in the Ismid area.

Lieut - Commander KENWORTHY

When a reply has been received, will the hon. Gentleman communicate it to the House?


I will consider that.

Sir J. D. REES

Will my hon. Friend pursue the subject with all the zeal that is shown whenever charges are made of outrages by the Turks against Armenians?


Wherever it is practicable will the hon. Gentleman publish the information which we have, as our long silence and reticence on all these questions produce a very unfavourable impression with regard to our neutrality?


Yes. We shall publish it when we have it officially confirmed.

46. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Prime Minister whether the French or the Italians are arranging to remove or have removed their troops from Asia Minor; and, if so, whether British troops will also be withdrawn across the Bosphorus rather than risk opening up a fresh military adventure in co-operation with the Constantinian Greeks?

Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (Leader of the House)

The Italians have withdrawn their forces from Adalia. There is no present intention of withdrawing British troops across the Bosphorus, and still less is there any intention of embarking upon military adventures in Turkey.


Has the right hon. Gentleman seen the latest pronouncement of the Angora Government, defying the British Government, and declaring they are going to free India and Egypt, and is it authoritative?


No, Sir, I have not seen that.

50. Lieut.-Colonel MURRAY

asked the Prime Minister if he will inform the House of the present situation at Constantinople and in Asia Minor; and whether negotiations for peace between the Greek and Turkish nationalist forces are still in progress?


I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the answer which I gave on Monday last to a question by the hon. Member for the Isle of Thanet.

Lieut.-Colonel MURRAY

Has the right hon. Gentleman any statement to make regarding the suggested Greek offensive? Is it going to take place?


I certainly cannot give answers as to the intentions of the Greek Government.

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