HC Deb 14 June 1921 vol 143 cc241-2

(by Private Notice) asked the Lord Privy Seal if he is in a position to state who are to be the members of the conference to be set up on licensing, and what are the terms of reference?


(by Private Notice) asked the Lord Privy Seal if the names of the members invited to attend the Conference on the licensing laws can be announced to the House, and also the terms of reference to the Conference?


I shall answer these questions together. Yes, Sir. I am glad to be able to announce that my right hon. Friend the Attorney-General has consented to preside over the Conference, and the following hon. Members have accepted invitations to serve as members of the Conference:

  • Sir Ryland Adkins.
  • Viscountess Astor.
  • Sir John Baird.
  • Mr. Briant.
  • Mr. Broad.
  • Captain Evans.
  • Captain Fitzroy.
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  • Sir Henry Foreman.
  • Colonel Gretton.
  • Mr. Inskip.
  • Mr. Kidd.
  • Captain O'Grady.
  • Mr. Robert Richardson.
  • Mr. Seddon.
  • Mr. Wintringham.
  • Sir George Younger.
The terms of reference will be as follow: To consider, with reference to the Law of Licensing, how best to adapt to times of Peace the experience obtained during the period of the War.

Lieut.-Colonel ALLEN

Will this inquiry extend to Ireland? If so, why are there no Irish Members on it?


That is now a matter for the Irish Parliament.


Considering that this question has been put by a Member from Ulster and that this matter affects Ireland, and if this Parliament still controls Ireland, will the right hon. Gentleman not put a Member from Ireland on the Commission?


No, Sir, I think that now that the Irish have Parliaments for themselves, we may, perhaps, be permitted to manage our own affairs.

Commander BELLAIRS

May I ask why the original intention has been departed from not to appoint partisans on either side?


The original intention has not been departed from, if I may say so with respect to my hon. and gallant Friend. The original intention was to get a representative conference together, and I think we have been fortunate in securing such a body.


Will any of the existing restrictions be taken off pending the Report of the Conference?


I cannot answer that now.