HC Deb 13 June 1921 vol 143 cc16-8
23. Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Transport how much money has been allocated since 1st January to Scottish local authorities to assist in the construction and maintenance of roads; whether the classification of roads in Scotland has yet been completed; and whether he will convene a conference of local authorities in Scotland to decide upon all outstanding questions between local authorities and himself on the subject of road classification?


As the answer to this question contains a considerable number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Major GLYN

Is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to hold a conference with Scottish local authorities?


Conferences have been going on all the time.


Has any money been allocated to Ireland in respect of roads?


The hon. Member will please put that question on the Order Paper.

The following is the answer:

In addition to the sums to be allocated to Scotland under the new classification scheme, grants and loans have been made or indicated from the Road Fund to Scottish local authorities between the 1st January and the 31st May, 1921, as under:

Ordinary Road and Bridge Works.
Grants made £97,081
Grants indicated but not actually made 56,465
Loans £5,894
Unemployment Works.
Grants made £157,822
Grants indicated but not actually made 357

The classification of roads in Scotland has been completed. As I have explained on previous occasions, the classification is a provisional one for this year, and any representations submitted by highway authorities for its revision will receive full consideration. The Director-General of Roads is arranging to hold conferences with the local authorities in Scotland for the discussion of outstanding questions, including classification, as soon as convenient dates can be fixed.

53. Major PRESCOTT

asked the Minister of Transport whether the proposed terms of contribution set out in the circular issued by the Ministry on the 9th May, 1921, in respect of the classification of roads are not acceptable to many of the highway authorities; that the Ministry's proposals with regard to loan repayments concerning liabilities incurred previous to the passing of the Roads Act are regarded with much disfavour; and if he will consider the desirability of removing this restriction, having regard to the fact that it penalises those road authorities which have carried out large surfacing improvements on a loan policy prior to August, 1919?


I am aware that certain exceptions are taken to the Ministry's proposals in the circular of the 9th May with regard to repayments of loan charges in respect of expenditure incurred prior to August, 1919. Deputations are being received from the various highway authority associations upon this question.