HC Deb 07 June 1921 vol 142 c1686
47. Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Prime Minister whether he will provide that the round-table conference proposed in connection with liquor control, shall either be free from representatives of the trade, or shall include representatives from all branches of the trade, not one branch being allowed undue preponderance; and that, with a view to representing the general householder, the Middle Classes Union be entitled to nominate representatives in proportion to the total number of the conference?


The conference will meet at the invitation of the Government. It will, of course, be our wish to make it fully representative, but we propose to confine our invitations to Members of this House, and shall not invite trade or other organisations to appoint representatives.


Will the right hon. Gentleman obtain a copy of the Middle Classes Union organisation, so that hon. Members may have a chance of learning the constitution and objects of this body?


And how many of them belong to the middle classes?