HC Deb 01 June 1921 vol 142 cc1031-2
24. Mr. BRIANT

asked the Minister of Labour if any of the trainees under the training scheme are sent to political organisations for the purpose of learning to be political agents or to occupy similar positions; and, if so, how many are thus employed; do they receive payment from the State; and where are such trainees at present placed?


Four ex-service men are being thus trained. These men specially asked for this form of training under the business training scheme, which was designed to reduce unemploymen amongst ex-service men of higher educational qualifications. During their training they receive the normal maintenance allowances provided under that scheme. The training was limited to a period not exceeding one year and on conclusion a guarantee of 12 months' employment at a salary of not less than £4 a week was given by the employers in accordance with the scheme.


Do I understand that if a political organisation apply to the Minister of Labour they may be able to obtain assistance for nothing?


No. Any organisation which will undertake to train an ex-officer or a man with similar qualifications, and after that guarantee him employment at a minimum rate, will, if it is a proper case, get a maintenance allowance. Perhaps my hon. Friend will make this known, that I shall be glad to know of any political organisation that is able to give these chaps a job.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of the question and state where such trainees are at present placed?


I can, as a matter of fact. One is at the Unionist Central Offices and three with the National Unionist Association. I am glad this question is on the Paper, because there may be other political organisations who may be prepared to take these young fellows into training.


Will you give them the opportunity to finish their education by extending it to the Central Labour College?

Captain LOSEBY

Is there any objection to these men when they are trained going to any political organisation they like, such as the Labour party or the Liberal party, and is it not a fact that there is real scope for properly trained political agents in all the parties?


If there be an undertaking given by the firm or the political society to train these men, and give them work at the end, and if the scheme be a proper one, I give it my assistance.