HC Deb 28 February 1921 vol 138 cc1417-8

asked the Lord Privy Seal what are the terms of reference of Sir Alfred Watson's Committee which has been inquiring into the question of official statistics; who are the members of the Committee; and what are their respective qualifications?


Sir Alfred Watson's Committee was appointed in the first instance to consider the proposals of the British Empire Statistical Conference and to ascertain the views of the Home Departments thereon. The Committee, was later instructed to report also on the need for official inquiry into certain defects in official statistics alleged in a petition addressed to the Prime Minister on the subject, and on the proposal to set up a permanent Consultative Committee on Official Statistics. The Committee consists of Sir Alfred Watson, K.C.B. (Chairman), Sir J. George Beharrel, D.S.O., Mr. A. W. Flux, C.B., Mr. H. V. Reade, C.B., Mr. W. H. Coates, Mr. S. P. Vivian, Mr. J. Hilton, Mr. P. J. Rose, Mr. J. Rae, and Mr. M. Heseltine. For the information of my hon. Friend, I may mention that the Chairman of the Committee is the Government Actuary, and that among the members, in addition to the Registrar-General and representatives of the Treasury and the Scottish Office, are the statistical officers of the principal Statistical Departments.


Will the recommendations of the Committee be made public?


Yes, I see no objection to it.