HC Deb 28 February 1921 vol 138 cc1393-4
17. Colonel NEWMAN

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware of reports that are being circulated with regard to the imminence of a coal strike which is to be the precursor of a general strike of organised labour with a view to attempted revolution and overthrow of the Constitution; and whether there is a sufficient stock of coal above ground to satisfy private and commercial needs even should a general strike of the coal-mining industry be entered on?


I am aware that such rumours are being circulated, but I do not think hon. Members will attach undue importance to them. Stocks of coal are normal for the time of year, and there is certainly, owing to lack of markets abroad, a considerable quantity of coal available at present. But it is quite clear that a general stoppage of the pits would soon cause the stoppage of industries dependent on coal, and cause very great loss and hardship.

Colonel NEWMAN

Will the Ministry of Mines see to it that the general public is kept informed of the course of events?


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware, that the fear, if any, is created by the fact of there being a contemplated breach of faith on the part of the Government with regard to the de-control of coal?


I do not admit there is any breach of faith.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of any rumours to justify answering a question of this kind, and does he not think that questions of this kind will create mischief, instead of helping leaders on both sides?


I quite agree that rumours of an alarmist character are more calculated to do harm than good. I am not, however, responsible for saying that, these rumours exist; it is the hon. and gallant Gentleman.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that there is a provision in the Coal Mines Act that decontrol will not take place until August, and that it is now contemplated to bring in a Bill to shorten that period?


That does not arise out of this question.


Of course it does.