HC Deb 21 April 1921 vol 140 cc2040-1

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mrs. Ryan, wife of the hon. Member for South Wexford, was arrested on 16th February and fined £50, not £15 as previously stated, for refusing to put a Martial Law Proclamation in her window; whether she refused to pay and after 10 days was released from prison and given seven days in which to pay, in default of which her furniture was to be seized; whether the fine has yet been paid; and what further action has been taken in the case?


I am informed by the Commander-in-Chief that Mrs. Ryan was detained in custody for 10 days before her trial, but was released immediately after the trial and given seven days in which to pay the fine imposed. The amount of the fine was £50, not £15 as stated in my reply to a previous question by the hon. and gallant Member for the Central Hull Division on the 3rd ultimo. The mistake in the figure was due to an error in transmission in the original report furnished by wire to the Commander-in-Chief. On the fine not being paid within the seven days allowed, a distress warrant was issued, but was not put into effect, as the lady had meanwhile disposed of her property and disappeared. Her offence was refusal to exhibit a Martial Law Proclamation.