HC Deb 20 April 1921 vol 140 cc1864-6

asked the Chief Secretary the total amount of compensation awarded by the Irish Courts in respect of claims in which the judicial authority has stated that the damage was done by members of the Crown forces; and what method will in future be adopted to investigate similar claims in the martial law area?

64. Mr. A. HERBERT

asked the Chief Secretary whether there is any discrimination, from the point of view of political opinion, with regard to the indemnification of owners of property destroyed by the forces of the Crown; and what means the owners of such property have at the present moment of obtaining compensation?


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, at Tralee Assizes on 9th March, stated his intention of investigating fully all claims to compensation in which allegations were made against the forces of the Crown; whether County Court Judges Bodkin and Fleming have on several occasions stated that in their opinion similar allegations had been well founded; whether the Government has now decided to suppress all judicial' inquiries into cases of this kind; and whether, considering the effect upon home and foreign public opinion which will be caused by allowing charges of such gravity to rest upon the Crown forces, he will take steps to bring them before an impartial tribunal?


I have no means of ascertaining the total amount of damage involved in cases in which allegations of unjustifiable action by the Crown forces have been made; but any such charge which is brought to notice is at once investigated and a court of inquiry is held if the facts appear to be sufficient to warrant that course. I am satisfied that such inquiries are conducted with complete impartiality and with the single object of ascertaining the facts and bringing any offence home to the guilty parties. I have no information beyond newspaper reports with regard to the statements attributed to the Lord Chief Justice and Judge Fleming in the first and second parts of the question by the Noble Lord the Member for Nottingham South. The report of Judge Bodkin was fully dealt with in Debate in this House on the 21st February. There is no discrimination as regards the right of owners of property destroyed maliciously, irrespective of their political opinions, to recover compensation from the local authority. As I explained on the 18th instant, the sole object of the proclamation recently issued by the Commander-in-Chief in the martial-law area was to prevent claims for compensation being made in the case of property justifiably destroyed by direction of the military governor.

Captain W. BENN

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the question what amount after judicial inquiry has been awarded against the Crown forces for damage done?

Lieut.-Colonel GUINNESS

Is not the result of these claims and the garnisheeing of rates which is arising therefrom that the Irish dispensary doctors are without their salaries, and is the Government going to take steps to make up the money of these most necessary officials out of some other source?


Not a single shilling has been awarded against the Crown forces for the damage done. The other question is in the hands of the representatives of the ratepayers on the county councils, and is not a matter for the Government.

Captain BENN

Does the right hon. Gentleman say that no county court judge after judicial investigation has awarded damages to persons for damage suffered at the hands of the Crown forces?


That is not the question that was asked. The question was as regards the amount awarded against the Crown forces. I am not in a position to give the figures in the cases referred to by my hon. Friend in the question, and I have already said so in the answer.

Captain BENN

Why is the right hon. Gentleman not in a position to give the figures if the judgments have been already made by the county courts?


Because we are not parties to these cases. The judgments do not show against whom the charges are made.

Colonel ASHLEY

If a county court judge has found that these burnings have taken place by the forces of the Crown, will he recommend that the compensation should be paid by the Crown and not levied on the district?


I must ask for notice of that question.