HC Deb 20 April 1921 vol 140 cc1867-8

asked the Chief Secretary whether the five cadets arrested under the orders of General Crozier to stand trial on the charge of looting at Trim are still awaiting trial; whether, in addition to these, seven of the cadets discharged by General Crozier and brought back are also awaiting trial and if so, on what charges; whether the evidence of General Crozier and Captain Macfie has been taken by the Court of Inquiry; and, as regards the remaining 19, whether their refusal to give evidence before General Crozier as to a crime of which they were witnesses has been taken into consideration by the Court?


The official investigation into this matter has now been concluded, and it has been decided to bring 18 of the cadets to trial by court-martial on charges of robbery, larceny and receiving. Pending the results of the trials which will be held shortly I am not prepared to make any further statement bearing on the case.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Can the right hon. Gentleman extend protection to the witnesses for the prosecu- tion, especially from intimidation by Members of this House on the opposite side?