HC Deb 18 April 1921 vol 140 cc1497-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the recent correspondence between the Food Department of the Board of Trade, London and Home Counties Division, and the officials of the Watford Urban District Council, regarding an unpaid balance of rent payable to the Council, and especially to the last letter from the Food Department, dated 2nd April, 1921, Reference Finance A.J.S./G.P./4975; and whether he will give directions for immediate payment of the balance due to the Council?

Sir P. LLOYD-GREAME (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

The building for which rent is claimed is a stable which was converted into offices for the Watford Food Control Committee at the cost of the Ministry of Food. Having regard to the amount paid for the conversion, it has been considered that the local authorities ought not to require rent for the use of the premises, but I will see whether some arrangement cannot be come to for an amicable adjustment of the matter.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that a letter from the Ministry says: The reason why the Ministry regrets that it cannot comply with the requirements of the Watford Urban District Council is that it would have preferred to meet the demands of the Council had it been possible to do so. Can the hon. Gentleman say, on the assumption that a Government Department is never rude, whether we are to consider this as a specimen of Departmental humour?


I am quite sure no official of the Department had the least intention of being rude. I can guarantee that, but of course I cannot guarantee a standard of humour.